Bạn đang xem bài viết Tổng hợp danh sách công thức chế tạo trong Infinite Craft tại Thptlequydontranyenyenbai.edu.vn bạn có thể truy cập nhanh thông tin cần thiết tại phần mục lục bài viết phía dưới.
Infinite Craft là trò chơi chế tạo dựa trên các logic tự nhiên mà đôi khi bạn cũng dễ dàng nhận ra trong cuộc sống hàng ngày, tuy nhiên sẽ có một chút đổi khác để thử thách người chơi khi muốn tạo ra một hiện tượng hay vật phẩm gì theo ý mình.

Trò chơi Infinite Craft cho phép bạn tạo ra vô số thứ, dựa trên những thứ đã tạo ra bạn có thể tiếp tục tạo ra những thành phẩm mới mà đôi khi quên mất chúng đã được tạo ra như thế nào nếu không ghi nhớ lại. Mỗi người đều sẽ được xuất phát từ 4 yếu tố cơ bản nhất là: Water, Fire, Wind, Earth. Hãy theo dõi danh sách công thức chế toàn dưới đây để tạo ra những thứ bạn muốn khi chơi Infinite Craft.
Danh sách công thức chế tạo trong Infinite Craft
Vật phẩm | Nguyên liệu 1 | Nguyên liệu 2 |
Abominable Snowman | Water | Yeti |
Adam | Mud | Venus |
Aircraft Carrier | Battleship | Battleship |
Alfred | Batman | Wisdom |
Amazon | Jungle | River |
Amber | Cologne | Fossil |
America | Rainbow | Continent |
Ammonite | Fossil | Roll |
Android | Software | Planet |
Anime | Japan | America |
Anniversary | Birthday | Marriage |
Apple | Fruit | Adam |
Apple Pie | Fruit Tree | America |
Ariel | Whale | Vase |
Arsonist | Stalker | Fire |
Art | Drawing | Mountain |
Asia | Ash | Continent |
Ash | Fire | Tree |
Atlantis | Island | Ocean |
Atlas | Titan | Earth |
Avalanche | Wind | Mountain |
Baby Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Egg |
Baby Lovebird | Lovebird | Lovebird |
Bacon | Pig | Fire |
Baconator | Volcano | Bacon |
Bat | Black | Vampire |
Batman | Bat | Bat |
Battle | War | War |
Battleship | Tank | Ship |
Bear | Cubs | Cubs |
Big Bang | Time | Universe |
Bigfoot | Golem | Loch Ness Monster |
Birthday Cake | Cake | Cake |
Beauty and the Beast | Beauty | King Kong |
Black Hole | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Blizzard | Snow | Wind |
Boat | Water | Tractor |
Bog | Swamp | Swamp |
Bonsai | Japan | Tree |
Boulder | Godzilla | Rock |
Box | Pandora | Beauty |
Breakfast | Egg | Bacon |
Bride | Wedding | Beauty |
Brownies | Mud | Chocolate |
Bullet | Glass | Train |
Burnt Toast | Toast | Fire |
Butter | Toast | Oil |
C-3PO | Lightsaber | Robot |
Cactus | Desert | Plant |
Cake | Butter | Egg |
Cannon | Fire | Ship |
Cannonball | Fire | Cannon |
Captain Hook | Pirate | Dragon |
Castle | House | War |
Cave | Bear | Earth |
Cheetah | Leopard | Leopard |
Chef | Egg | Omelete |
Chest | Pirate | Treasure |
China | Chinese | Island |
Chinese | Asia | Human |
Chocolate | Mud | Rainforest |
Christmas Tree | Pine | Battery |
Chuck Norris | Serial Killer | Vomit |
Clay | Mud | Mud |
Cloud | Wind | Steam |
Coin | Mud | Metal |
Cologne | Alcohol | Perfume |
Computer | System | Fire |
Confucius | Book | Chinese |
Continent | Island | Island |
Cough | Pencil | Sick |
Cough Syrup | Cough | Alcohol |
Crocodile | Swamp | Tank |
Crocopig | Crocodile | Pig |
Cryptozoology | Loch Ness Monster | Bigfoot |
Cubs | Lion | Lioness |
Cuddly | Teddy Bear | Cheetah |
Cupid | Vase | Pegasus |
Darth Vader | Light Saber | Dragon |
Death | Life | Vampire |
Death Note | Death | Anime |
Death Star | Star Wars | Planet |
Defenstration | Vomit | Window |
Dengue | Mosquito | Egg |
Desert | Sand | Sand |
Dinosaur | Rainbow | Fossil |
Divorce | Marriage | Love |
Doctor | Sickness | Wisdom |
Donkey | Kong | Oil |
Drawing | Pencil | Earth |
Dracula | Vampire | Earth |
Dragon | Swamp | Fire |
Dragon Ball | Goku | Asia |
Dragon Ball Z | Fight | Anime |
Dragon Ball Z Kai | Dragon Ball Z | Time |
Dragonborn | Splitting Pains | Dragon |
Dust | Wind | Earth |
Eclipse | Sun | Open |
Egg | Dinosaur | Dinosaur |
Electric Guitar | Lightning | Music |
Electricity | Windmill | Wind |
Energy | Windmill | Fire |
Engine | Steam | Fire |
Eruption | Wind | Volcano |
Emo | Mermaid | Goth |
Eternity | Time | Europe |
Europe | Fjord | Continent |
Eurovision | Japan | Europe |
Excalibur | Mud | Sword |
Eve | Adam | Venus |
Evolution | Theory | Time |
Social | Network | |
Family | Human | Human |
Farm | Tractor | Earth |
Fertility | Magic | Soil |
Field | Farm | Earth |
Fight | Battle | War |
Figure Skating | Ice Skating | Itchy |
Finland | Eurovision | Win |
Fire Bird | Phoenix | Volcano |
Fire Flower | Fireball | Plant |
Fire King | Fireman | King |
Fire Trap | Fire Trap | Venus Flytrap |
Fire Truck | Firefighter | Firefighter |
Fire Queen | Fire King | Marriage |
Fireball | Fire | Fire Trap |
Firefighter | Arsonist | Mirror |
Fireman | Doctor | Arsonist |
Fireplace | Fire | Bush |
Fish | Water | Ocean |
Fishbowl | Water | Fish |
Fjord | Lake | Mountain |
Flower | Plant | Rain |
Flying | Kite | Wind |
Flying Horse | Wind | Pegasus |
Fog | Water | Smoke |
Food | Farmer | Plant |
Fool | Stupid | King |
Football | Dust Bowl | Mud |
Forest | Mountain | Tree |
Fossil | Plant | Stone |
France | Napoleon Bonaparte | Land |
Frankenstein | Swamp | Electricity |
Freedom | America | Rainbow |
Fridge | Cold | Metal |
Friend | Like | |
Frog | Fish | Swamp |
Frog Prince | Kermit | Cupid |
Frogger | Frog | Truck |
Frost Dragon | Cold | Ice Dragon |
Fruit | Sun | Tree |
Fruit Tree | Fruit | Fruit |
Future | Time | Elon Musk |
Garden | Love | Earth |
Galaxy | Star | Star |
Germany | Berlin | Dust |
Ghost | Grave | Human |
Gift | Book | Wrapper |
Girlfriend | Best Friend | Love |
Glass | Obsidian | Steam |
God | Universe | Eternity |
Godzilla | Dinosaur | Japan |
Gohan | Goku | Mountain |
Goku | Dragon Ball Z | Anime |
Gold Bar | Pot of Gold | Pot of Gold |
Gold Ingot | Gold Bar | Gold Bar |
Golem | Swamp | Zombie |
Goth | Black | Passion |
Gotham | Batman | Castle |
Grave | Tomb | Love |
Graveyard | Cemetary | Cemetary |
Greatsword | Longsword | Longsword |
Grim Reaper | Death | Death |
Gun | Weapon | Destruction |
Hacker | Internet | Computer |
Hangover | Alcohol | Fog |
Hangwish | Hangover | Wish |
Hammerhead | Shark | Pork |
Harp | Angel | Music |
Harry Potter | Owl | Pegasus |
Hatsune Miku | Android | J-pop |
Hawaii | Island | Volcano |
Hawaii Five-O | Napoleon Complex | Hawaii |
Heart | Cupid | Cupid |
Heartbreak | Death | Love |
Hercules | Hydra | Zeus |
Hex | Curse | Curse |
Hexagon | Hex | Hex |
Hibernation | Bear | Cave |
Hippocampus | Sea | Flying Horse |
Hive | Bee | Bee |
Hole | Black Hole | Earth |
Homer | Simpson | Family |
Honey | Bee | Star |
Honeycomb | Honey | Prison |
Hot Spring | Cold | Geyser |
House | Wall | Brick |
Human | Rebirth | Zombie |
Human | Adam | Eve |
Hummingbird | Bird | Bee |
Hydra | Dragon | Monster |
Ice | Snow | Water |
Ice Cream | Popsicle | Popsicle |
Ice Cream Cone | Ice Cream | Ice Cream |
Ice Dragon | Cold | Dragon |
Iceberg | Titan | Water |
Iceland | Fjord | Volcano |
Igloo | Island | Ice |
Incense | Plant | Smoke |
IPod | Walkman | Music |
Iran | Country | Caspian Sea |
Ireland | Potato | Country |
Italy | Pizza | Country |
Island | Ocean | Earth |
Jack Sparrow | Sunflower | Pirate |
Jail | Prison | Prisoner |
Jail Break | Jail | Bomb |
Jailbird | Bird | Prison |
Japan | Continent | Tea |
J-pop | Japan | Electric Guitar |
Jedi | Star Wars | Lightsaber |
Jedi Pig | Lightsaber | Pig |
Jelly | Peanut Butter | Park |
Jellyfish | Jelly | Island |
Jesus | Church | Son |
Jet | Plane | Plane |
Jungle | Rainforest | Rainforest |
Kaleidoscope | Mirror | Mirror |
Kamehameha | Goku | Water |
Kanye West | Rapper | Church |
Karma | Punishment | Rat |
Kelp | Plant | Seaweed |
Kermit | Miss Piggy | Fight |
Kindle | Amazon | Computer |
King | Palace | Stupid |
King Kong | Godzilla | Dinosaur |
Kite | China | Wind |
Knight | Robot | Paladin |
Knight Rider | Lightsaber | Car |
Knowledge | Owl | Unicorn |
Kraken | Sea Serpent | Pirate |
Kung Fu | Goku | Chinese |
Lake | Water | Water |
Landslide | Earth | Avalanche |
Laser | Lightning | Bullet |
Lava | Fire | Earth |
Lava Lamp | Lava | Lamp |
Leaf | Wind | Tree |
Lebanon | Cedar | Country |
Lego | Star Wars | Brick |
Lens | Fire | Glass |
Leopard | Lion | Tiger |
Leopard Bear | Leopard | Teddy Bear |
Leprechaun | Pot of Gold | Warrior |
Lesbian | Pride Month | Girl |
Letter | Mailbox | |
Life | Venus | Steam |
Lighthouse | Lake | Stone |
Lightning | Fire | Cloud |
Lightsaber | Laser | Sword |
Like | Meme | |
Lily | Flower | Water |
Lion | Zebra | Fire |
Lioness | Lion | Love |
Loch Ness | Swamp | Island |
Loch Ness Monster | Swamp | Monster |
Longsword | Sword | Sword |
Lotus | Lily | Flower |
Love | Mermaid | Prince |
Lovebird | Parrot | Cupid |
Luffy | One Piece | Monkey |
Lunar | Moon | Lily |
Cảm ơn bạn đã xem bài viết Tổng hợp danh sách công thức chế tạo trong Infinite Craft tại Thptlequydontranyenyenbai.edu.vn bạn có thể bình luận, xem thêm các bài viết liên quan ở phía dưới và mong rằng sẽ giúp ích cho bạn những thông tin thú vị.